A positive induction story
As a person I am very anxious and can be driven mad with all the “what if’s” of a new situation.
Jennie’s Hypnobirthing meant that both myself and my husband were armed with lots of information and I had the confidence to ask questions at the check up appointments.
When asked about induction at 38 weeks I knew I could ask “what are the risks?” “What happens if we do nothing?” etc and be confident in my decision making.
In the end induction was necessary for the safety of my baby and this itself was a challenge as my husband had to drop me off at the door and leave me until I was in active labour.
I had dreamt of a water birth in a calm and serene birthing suite but, due to gestational diabetes, being on monitors and needing a drip this was not possible.
Instead of being upset by this, I knew I could still use the breathing techniques we had been taught and create my own birthing haven.
When the time came my husband put my visual aids around the room, our playlist on the stereo and stayed by my side for the next 17 hours!
15 hours in on only gas and air, I was pushing when I shouldn’t but also exhausted and not able to really make decisions. It was my husbands Hypnobirthing knowledge that calmed me, got me breathing properly again through my waves (contractions) and saved me from an emergency C section.
Our beautiful baby boy was born 2 hours later, pushing for only 17 minutes as I focused on my down breathing and had our 4D scan in front of me to remind me I was about to meet our miracle.
I’m not going to lie, labour was tough but having the Hypnobirthing techniques meant that myself and my husband were calm and confident with the whole process.
Jennie is an absolute star and even though we had had to have our classes done via Zoom, I trusted her and the Hypnobirthing implicitly.
I even got a surprise visit on the post natal ward off her the next morning which was just brilliant!
I cannot recommend Jennie and Hypnobirthing enough!! 💙