This is my first baby; will it work for me?
Yes! Hypnobirthing works regardless of whether or not you have had a baby before. You could be on your first baby or 7th baby, hypnobirthing is all about having tools and techniques to keep you calm, relaxed and in control. It enables you to become aware of the choices you have during pregnancy, labour and birth therefore ensuring both you and your birth partner feel empowered to make informed decisions. The beauty of hypnobirthing is that these tools, techniques and knowledge can be applied to any situation so that regardless of what path the birth takes, it results in a positive experience.
I have had a baby before; will it work for me?
Yes! Often women and partners come to Hypnobirthing having previously had a traumatic birth experience. It enables you to release any existing fears, build your confidence and understand your choices this time round. Even if you have had a positive experience first time, it is always useful to learn a new skill and become aware of the choices available to you.
I’ve read the book and watched some videos online; do I really need to do a full course?
​Reading the book and watching videos is certainly going to help but actually having a course face-to-face really makes all the difference. The course enables you to interact with a qualified Midwife and Hypnobirthing Teacher, asking any questions you may have along the way and clearing up any misunderstanding you might have read in the book. It allows you to have specific time to practice the techniques with your birth partner instead of giving them snippets of information from what you have read in the book that you think are important!
When is the right time to do a hypnobirthing course?
Anywhere from 20 weeks of pregnancy is a perfect time to start. It enables you to complete the course and have plenty of time to practice the techniques before the big day!
I am already in my 3rd trimester; am I too late to start a course?
No! It’s never too late to get in touch and (subject to availability) I will book you in ASAP to either do the full course over a shorter time scale or one condensed session focusing on the important tools, techniques and knowledge. Please get in touch to discuss this.
I am having a caesarean; will it still work for me?
Yes! Even more so for a caesarean as it can bring feelings of anxiousness and fear so it is important to understand how you can stay relaxed and in control. Hypnobirthing is for EVERY birth. There are still so many choices available to you during a caesarean so being aware of these are important for you to make an informed decision.
My birth partner is reluctant to do the course; what do I do?
This is normal. The name hypnobirthing is very misleading and people often think it is this weird, ‘hippy-dippy’ practice where I am going to make you sit in a circle and chant whilst I dance round the room…. it’s not! Once they start to learn that actually, it is all logical and based on biology, they soon start to realise how useful it is and how much it makes sense! I have taught many sceptical birth partners but by the end of the course and after the birth of their baby, they were complete converts!
I don’t have a birth partner; can I still do the course?
Absolutely! Women are strong and hypnobirthing gives them that belief and confidence in their body’s ability to birth a baby. Hypnobirthing will enable you to feel empowered, in control and ready for birth, whatever path it takes. Midwives are there to support you through your journey too. You may want to find doula that could support you during the birth.
It seems like a lot of money; is the course worth it and what does it include within the price?
On the face of it, it does seem like a lot of money…. but when you think about all the perhaps unnecessary items you can buy for a baby that you will probably never use, you soon realise that investing in a birth education course is money well spent. You want to feel prepared and knowledgeable going into that situation, having eradicated the fear of the unknown and understanding that whatever happens, hypnobirthing will help you. You wouldn’t take the ‘go with the flow’ approach with your wedding day because you would end up with no guests, no food, no venue…. you plan for that one day months in advance. The birth of your baby is another very special day in your life, make sure you feel prepared.
The courses include x4 2 hour sessions (on zoom, 1:1 or in a group setting), the KG Hypnobirthing book, a Dropbox link to 7 downloadable relaxation MP3’s, a pack of positive birth affirmation cards and support from me throughout the course and beyond.
What courses do you offer?
Due to Covid-19 and social distancing I have had to change the format of my course. I am currently still offering my usual courses but via Zoom instead of in-person. This has been extremely popular as the NHS antenatal classes are suspended and women are feeling more anxious about their options and what services are available. The course is exactly the same content and I send you all of the course resources in the post before our first session.